Day of Research 2024

Dear doctoral students,

We are looking forward to your participation!

23rd Day of Research

Online registration starts now. Dr. Anke Hinney
Vice Dean for Academic
Career Support and Diversity
Prof Dr. Tienush Rassaf
Vice Dean for Research
350 €
for the best presentations
500 €
for the best Science Slam
100 €
for participation in the Science Slam

Your platform for professional exchange and networking

The annual Day of Research is a forum for medical doctoral students of our faculty and doctoral students in the natural sciences at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

It is a great opportunity to get valuable impulses for your work – from scientists of all career levels. Do not miss the chance to develop new and interesting research ideas, expand your network and push your career!

This year, there will be multiple opportunities to do so: In addition to the exchange during the poster presentations, there will be a "Meet the Expert" session during lunch break. There, you will have the chance to talk directly to senior scientists. You will receive detailed information about the participating senior scientists by e-mail before the event.

In the afternoon, keynote speaker Prof. Dr. Georg Schett, spokesperson of the Deutsches Zentrum Immuntherapie (DZI) in Erlangen, will provide insights into CAR T cell therapy in autoimmune diseases.

Presenting your Research

On the Day of Research you will have the opportunity to present your project to an internal panel of reviewers, who will then ask you questions and evaluate the individual presentations. For this purpose, please prepare a poster on your research project.

The review sessions will be divided into groups. However, you will also have the opportunity to visit other sessions and take a look at your fellow students’ presentations. This may open up new perspectives or even lead to new collaborations for you.

Three research categories
Please make sure that you select the correct category for your thesis upon registration: patient-oriented, basic research-oriented or disease-oriented.


Important note


Please register by 1 October 2024 at the latest , including an abstract of your research project. Please note that your registration is binding.




Information on all general conditions and the programme can be found here:


SCIENCE SLAM on the 23rd Day of Research


Our Science Slam Once again, up to 4 doctoral students will compete in the afternoon and present their research in an entertaining way at this year’s Science Slam.

Seize the opportunity to present your research project in a pointed 5-10 minute talk and captivate the audience with your topic.

Tools are explicitly permitted – e.g. PowerPoint presentations, props or live experiments! Also, you are free to choose whether you want to hold your slam in German or English.

At the end, the audience will vote: The best Science Slam will be rewarded with 500 € prize money! All other slammers will receive 100 € each.

IMPORTANT NOTE Applications for the Science Slam are welcome until 1 October 2024. Participation is reserved exclusively for doctoral students of Life Sciences and Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine! A poster presentation in the morning is not a requirement for participating!


Preparing for the Science Slam


You will receive excellent support in preparing your presentation: The first 8 applicants for the Science Slam will take part in a workshop led by an experienced science slam coach. So it pays off to be quick!

During the workshop, you will learn techniques and methods that you can later apply to other presentation formats in the course of your career. The workshop will be held in German or English, depending on registrations.
After the workshop, the four candidates for the Science Slam will be chosen by a draw.

Moreover, we will support you on the homestretch to the stage: In October and November there will be two additional individual coaching sessions of 1 hour each.


Mandatory dates


Full-day workshop for the first 8 applicants:

Friday, 11 October 2024, 9 am to 6 pm, Teaching and Learning Center (Lehr- und Lernzentrum)

Dates for the 4 candidates presenting on the Day of Research:

1. Individual coaching session (online): Friday, 18 October 2024
(1 hour each, timeframe: 9 am to 2 pm)

2. Individual coaching session (online): Friday, 15 November 2024
(1 hour each, timeframe: 9 am to 2 pm)

Final rehearsal: Thursday, 21 November 2024, 5 pm to 7 pm

Science Slam: Friday, 22 November 2024
(exact time tba)

PROGRAMME on 22 November 2024

9 am – 9.30 am Welcome address 9.30 am – 12.00 pm Poster sessions of the doctoral students 12.00 pm – 1.30 pm Lunch break and Meet the Expert Session 1.30 pm – 2.30 pm Keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Georg Schett, "CAR T cell therapy in autoimmune diseases" 2.30 pm – 2.45 pm Coffee Break 2.45 pm – 4.00 pm Science Slam and award ceremony for poster prize winners
Afterwards Get-Together




Teaching and Learning Center (Lehr- und Lernzentrum) of the Medical Faculty, Virchowstr. 163a, 45147 Essen




Register here ... Reviewers | Doctoral students | Science Slam




Jasmin Kreilos, M.A. Event Management 0201/ 723 - 2373
Daniela Catrini, M.A. Event Management 0201/ 723 - 6228